Ukulele Hayley

By Ukulelehayley

Ho Ho Ho!

We all left the house at one time or another today sporting Christmas jumpers. Here's Alfie modelling his but not feeling very jolly as he's full of cold, poor wee lamb.

I whizzed over to school to watch the dress rehearsal of the christmas play so that I'm fully prepared for next week. Our little chickens did well and looked great in their costumes.

Out to lunch with Ms G but we couldn't go too mad. Poppy had running club after school then straight to her school disco. I didn't have to pick her up until 6 o'clock then took her to her drumming lesson. D was out for lunch for his work do but he didn't go mad either as he's full of cold too.

We took the children for a KFC tonight and D sat there looking very sorry for himself and said 'I can't wait to go home and try my new Lemsip'.
Oh dear. Whatever happened to that rock 'n roll party animal I married?
We did have a whole heap of fun chasing Alfie round Aldi as he forbade us to touch him after we'd been touching 'fake stuff' .
Oh the fun we have!!

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