12th Door to my Advent Calendar: Ilves

Today we had an ice hockey night, even my hubby did come with us (me and teens) to the ice hockey arena... He really does not like watching ice hockey at all. Greatest waste and can almost be compared to free gates fighting/mixed martial arts, he says....

Well, I do like ice hockey. Always has liked watch games, but ok, I agree that nowadays the playing is sometimes too rough. I like skillful playing. It is relaxing to watch. And I just love to hear the fans sining, they sung christmas carrols tonight in the arena!

Today my favourite team tried to play with skill, but made no goals.

As I have decided to make an Advent Calendar into Blipfoto this year, here is the calendar clip I'd like to share to you: My favourite team Ilves lost the game today, so we did not hear a single time this goal song, but here it is anyway. A musical clip for the team that left for christmas holiday after this game tonight.

'Cause we are the kings!

Have a nice weekend!

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