The ShadowBoxerz&Minions


Nikita Squeekette Carty

The second ShadowBoxer, whom really is the BOSS
here at The Chapel on Church...... Lmao..............

Nikita has just found her freedom after pregnancy and a litter of 3 Minions

They enter the wide world now to become ShadowBoxerz

Nitro the 1st to go at 8wks 5days
Nirvana at 11 wks old
and Neelix at 12 wks and 4days


All black fluffy cats yesireeeeee

But responsbility says just 1 litter.

It's just right 5 N Shadowboxerz <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Meow meow squeak squeak squeak

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