I love books!

Gavin and I share a passion, Books! I have spent hours reading to Gavin since I have been watching him this week. At first his attention span was one book, then he wanted to play. Now he sits in my lap for a very long time while we read books. His favorite books are the ones that make animal sounds, like the one he is holding in this photo. He also loves the musical books, touch and feel, and the lift and find books. Tonight as I prepared him for bed, he piled 12 books on the chair for me to read. He sat still and was very attentive for the whole pile of books. This was the highlight of my day as we snuggled together.


I like books
I really do
Books with stories
And pictures too!

Books of birds
And things that grow
Books of people
We should know

Books of animals
And places too,
I like books
I really do!

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