Today Katey and I along with out little white best friends decided we would go and photograph the lupins in the McKenzie Country - namely round Tekapo.
The two photographs above are as we walked out to Hitching Post Point where on a rock is a memorial to my man Alex, My son Tony and his friend who died tragically in 2009. I seem to visit this spot to sit and look at the lake about twice a year (a bit like visiting the cemetery as Tony and Murray are still there, we were lucky enough to get Alex back).
the top photo is Arky and I with the rock on which the little plaque is placed,
and as we were at Hitching Post Point thought Arky and Millie should be hitched up while we sat and looked at the view. A lovely day in the sunshine when I believe it was not all that flash here. P.S. An hour in he hot pools was a bonus.

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