Ally and Pandy

A calm start to what would turn into a logistically challenging day!

Dropped MrRoly to the dentist, the kids to school, back to collect MrRoly and home to meet with the accountant. Lunch at The Meat Counter with our friends Alison and Mark and on to school to collect the kids.

Red had his school disco 3.30-4.45 so MrRoly stayed with him and I walked across to All Saints church to decorate our Brownie tree. Fortunately, Alison took Lily so we got out of taking and collecting her (5-6.15). Home to find Red had bailed out of his disco almost immediately. Also to find that Ally had managed to get a SECOND homework detention for Science!

A quick tea before MrRoly left for Cubs then I took Bella and Ally to Raze the Roof for their Sea Scout Christmas Party. Home again to bath and nit comb Red. MrRoly arrived after dropping Malcolm home after Cubs, with Lily in tow.

A quick turn around for him so I could take him down into town for a meal out with his ex colleagues at The Wheelhouse. Onto Lidl for milk and Pringles ;-) and back up to Raze The Roof to pick up Bella and Ally.

I put the small 2 to bed and settled in with Bella, Ally, Pandy and Pringles to watch a recorded GoggleBox, then sent them off to bed. Mid way through a frankly odd Graham Norton, the call came for my final taxi service of the night - collect MrRoly and one other, drop her home and then home to bed for me!

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