In the airport again

Happy Lucia Day!

I originally blipped a cup of Starbucks Coffee in the Copenhagen airport at about noon:

Its 10 days since I came home from Italy and today I'm back in the airport. This time I'm travelling to Oslo in Norway to judge the Norwegian Dog Dancing Championship, which is held in Drammen tomorrow.

I took the boys for a morning walk at 7 am. Arrived at my dad's at 9. Had a cup of coffee and then left Beat with him.

Continued to Lille Skensved to drop off Hero and Biscuit with Helle.

Then off to the airport, where it took about an hour to get through Security.

Boarding in 25 mins.

It is now 5 pm and I have arrived to my hotel in Oslo and decided to change my picture as I can blip a cup of coffee any day, but I can only blip a picture from Oslo, when I am actually in Norway, which is not very often ;-)

The journey went well. Flight from Copenhagen to Oslo and then train from Olso Airport to Oslo City center. It took about 20 mins. The hardest part was to find the main entrance to the hotel! I have checked in and all is well.

I now have time for a shower before my host will pick me up and take me out for dinner.

So this is my hotel, which is right in the center of Oslo City. My room is on 8th floor! It is a huge hotel, but so far it seems nice.

See you tomorrow
Emmy - missing the Hazyland Boys.

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