
This is our marble plaque which arrived yesterday from Agra.
We watched in the showroom on our visit there as some of the artisans chiselled out the design while others ground the semiprecious stone inserts to fit in exactly, secured with a special glue which has been used down the ages since the time when the same procedure was used for the walls of the Taj Mahal.

There was a little light Mary Berry or rathe Nigella moment this morning when I attempted to make a pumpkin pie for tomorrow's supper.
A domestic goddess I will never be, far less a baking goddess, but at least the filling seemed tasty enough even if the whole assembly looked to have been cobbled together by some 6 year old. Pretty it is not, but if I don't allow it to burn while I blip, I should be in business for the granddaughter's visit tomorrow.

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