Still Here!

By Yorkhull

Lamma Island

Day 3/3 Rest, recuperation, restore, reflect and return

The final day of my seven week work odyssey. More of that below. But the day began rather late. I had a fitful sleep and found myself sleeping in, a rare event. Eventually around midday got up, went and had breakfast and packed. Then off to the wonderful Kowloon Airport check-in to rid myself of my bag and get my boarding pass. Eleven hours to play!

I had decided if the weather was bright to return to my favourite Island, Lamma. With blue skies I headed for the star ferry across to HK Island and then to the Lamma ferry. A breezy but lovely 20 minute ride and I was there. It was great to visit this small fishing village though it also has a lot of ex-pats who live in the countryside whilst commuting on the ferry every day to the Financial district. There are no cars so bikes galore and people disappear off to remote houses.

I did consider staying here when I was on my sabbatical but for various reasons I was not able to do so. The tempo is relaxed, the seafood is wonderful and I sat in my favourite bar, the Harbour waterfront, overlooking the wonderful harbour. It was a perfect end. So many pictures so I have loaded a few onto Flickr which seemed to work in the end so they are here!

So reflections on my seven weeks.

I was a little apprehensive about my trip. I did not think my major health concern would be an issue I had just had a check up and change has been mercifully slow thus far. But my recurring infections were sapping my limited energy. My doctor had given me a prophylactic dose of anti biotics, so a very small amount everyday and it has kept it at bay. The result has been an improving feeling of health as the weeks have progressed.

I did get tired, but that is a side effect of my Cancer treatment and though it will not go away, it's an occupational hazard but it's keeping me going so I live with it, but most of the time I kept within my limits. This did mean the whole period became very work focussed and I had to limit my outside activities and some inside ones like keeping up with my blip friends, though I managed to capture a bit of my journey on my blips.

I met some great people, saw some wonderful sites, ate some great food, was looked after by so many people and return home refreshed and energised. I hope you have enjoyed sharing this with me and I look forward to some bird blips from home soon!

Now for the flight!

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