Saturday: Appetising

Steve has a very busy job and travels a lot.  He has a number of trips coming up and recently found he has to go to Tokyo in February.  And, as he has been to Zagreb before, he stipulated that there would be no running round touristy spots this weekend and we would just have a lazy time of it.

Which is exactly what we have done.  We did make a symbolic gesture of going out this morning and took a stroll through town.  The Christmas stalls are all up and running, including the Nutella crepe stall.  Personally, the sight of crepes hanging from a washing line in a slightly dilapidated state doesn't really do it for me.  But that's probably just me.

For the rest, we have had a 'West Wing' marathon and also watched '12 Years A Slave'.  And I cooked a roast dinner!

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