But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

The Pentlands.

We had the cycle club formal Christmas lunch today, the informal one is on Wednesday - weather permitting. I disgraced myself with a senior moment by forgetting to take a in trophy and so it could not be presented. Fortunately I have a reputation for being forgetful and so this incident was laughed off or, maybe, people were just being kind. I was quite upset about it since this sort of thing does take the shine off both the recipient's moment of glory and the occasion in general. The blip is the view from the restaurant window.

Afterwards I went shopping and found a present for Jnr but I have a sneaking feeling that herself is going to have to get a promise (it is always possible that I will be similarly treated). We have the excuse that Christmas is really for the children. The other slight problem is that we will probably have nowhere to put a tree, and so nowhere to put the presents.

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