Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie

If someone had said.....

If someone had said 12 months ago that I would be getting up on a ridiculously cold morning, donning three layers of clashing coloured running gear I would have scoffed. Not only that I put on a silly green Christmas hat and laced my trainers three times.

Then I went to the new local parkrun and chose to run around in the biting cold for the distance of 3.1 miles. In some amazing achievement I managed to cover that distance in 35 minutes! Best of all is that during that 3.1 miles I also performed a one woman striptease as I threw off my hat halfway round and managed to remove my arm band and jacket whilst still on the move. The jacket was then secured around my waist and the armband put back on. I still got a good time!

Most amazing of all ..... I really really enjoyed it!

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