
By Hamp5on


Clearly my photography skills are also winding down for Christmas...oh well!
A lovely lunch at the Claytons to round off 2014 together, then a Christmas market this afternoon. Loads of wonderful second hand books... This guy was serenading us all.
Now on to packing, Aimee's suitcases are already here, Danny's bag's gone off with aaron, ready to be packed into the car tomorrow morning... They leave at half 11....arriving back in Birmingham Wednesday afternoon. Glad we've just got a 2.5 hour flight.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Lunch with Abby and Charlie. Lovely to finish the year off together.
2) Danny's IMMENSE packing skills...
3) Dehumidifiers helping our washing dry more quickly...it can take days for a pair of jeans to dry here....the atmosphere is just so damp.

Woohoo!! Written a last speedy blog!!

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