Youngest meets Oldest

The youngest person in this group meets the Indoor STILL Life challenge for today - but only because she was sound asleep at the time. The next youngest, youngest's big sister, was far from still and there are a selection of the most entertaining faces and poses in our attempts to get something suitably posed!

Little Amelia made the journey to Suffolk to meet her Great-Nanna- there is a difference of 87 years and 10 months between their ages, but the youngest took it all in her stride.

The 2-hour journey each way was peppered with a few stops - Starbucks for Mum and Granny plus a couple of 'toilet' stops for Big Sister. Amelia slept the entire journey - both ways!

A lovely day and I hope to get the entire family together at some point in the New Year for a big 'group hug'! That will take some organising!!!

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