
It's been a good day!

A very smooth journey to Brugges and time for several hours of browsing and a little more shopping, ably assisted by a glasses of gluvine/ghluwein and delicious hot chocolate.

Brugges is a beautiful country, relatively newly independent...only 200 years ago. Prior to that it was batted around by its European neighbours, but now stands proudly on its own. Three languages are spoken Flemish and French mainly and some German...and English. Its architecture is wonderful, its waterways romantic and its traditions for lace and chocolate making renowned.

Today it was heaving and its ice rink beautifully flood lit in front of the Town Hall. But as we left all the noise of the markets and the bright lights behind it was the stillness and quiet of this building and bridge dated 1749 that I want to share.

Home just after midnight and very happy with our day.

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