Home & Away

By HeidiAndDolly

Wise Men Still Seek Him

We walked through a nearby churchyard on one of our walks and I was glad to see this lovely nativity scene in the porch of the church. Through all the shopping, gift giving, cooking, fun and frolic of Christmas (all good things!), and even through the acts of service that often take place this time of year, it's good to be reminded of the real story of Christmas. Every gift we give and receive pales in comparison to the greatest gift of all - a Saviour, born into a humble home, but who changed the world.

Mary's Dream
I had a dream, Joseph.

I don't understand it, but I think it was about a birthday celebration for our son.

The people in my dream had been preparing for about six weeks.

They had decorated the house and bought new clothes.

They'd gone shopping many times and bought many elaborate gifts.

It was peculiar, though, because the presents weren't for our son.

They wrapped them in beautiful paper and stacked them under a tree.

Yes, a tree, Joseph, right inside their homes! They'd decorated the tree with sparkling ornaments.

There was a figure like an angel on the top of the tree.

Everyone was laughing and happy.

They gave the gifts to each other, Joseph, not to our son.

I don't think they even knew him.

They never mentioned his name.

I had the strangest feeling that, if our Jesus had gone to this celebration he would have been intruding.

How sad for someone not to be wanted at his own birthday party!

I'm glad it was only a dream. How terrible Joseph, if it had been real!

(Author unknown)

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