peace... not always easy

to come by - in this day and age

"if it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." romans 12:18 (niv)

the bible is very clear - in many places - we should make - every attempt to live - at peace with all people - do i? do you? - it's difficult, isn't it? - when we are bombarded with social media - commercialism - materialism - different forms of bullying - the pressures and stresses - of our everyday

yet i feel - especially at this time of year - with celebrating the birth of jesus - it's all about attitude - somehow, if we can force - ourselves to rise above - make a choice everyday - we can do it - one step at a time - one foot in front of the other - no, it's not easy - no one ever said - life was going to be - but, oh when you - look around - take in a deep breath - realize you are not alone - it makes it so worth it - knowing it's going to be...


happy day.....

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