when the tree meets the growing human population..
...everything should happening ;-)
In better scenarios human being is taking a picture like me for today' s blip.
In worst scenario we are reading study about devastating human impact on the Amazon rainforest. But deforestation is not only about the Amazon ;-(
And if I' m writing about the Amazon now it' s nothing about your usual online visit at Amazon. That' s the whole different story.
dedicated video to all lumberjacks at Amazon
I found some interesting developer' s words : "People tend to forget that a city is like a tree" .
Oh well he probably wanted to say that city is always growing like the tree and using that kind of words like metaphore.
Our population is growing but what about the trees, are they growing as fast as we human beings are growing? Or not? that' s the question...
Especially when we are predicting the fact thatin the year 2050, 70% Of The World's Population Will Be Urban. Is That A Good Thing?
By the way, even Rockefeller Foundation is interesting in future' s improvements of the cities through the 100 Resilient Cities. And the Rockefellers know what they want ;-)
But who is interesting in the forests improvements?
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