
By dwalletta

Escape from the Tower

Like so many of our elected rulers, King Jams the Everlasting started off his reign with noble intentions. But before long, power went to his head along with the crown, and his benign dictatorship quickly deteriorated into despotic tyranny.

The people were downtrodden and afraid, and soon their discontent led to dark mutterings of revolution appearing throughout the land.

King Jams feared his throne would be snatched from under his royal bahookie. He sent out his henchpeople to round up any dissenters and threw them into dingy dungeons, where he amused himself by torturing them with never-ending tales of his seafaring days. As a royal princess of noble birth, and therefore a potential usurper of his crown, I too was imprisoned by the evil king. But eventually I managed to make good my escape from the Tower, where he had lured me with false promises of ice cream.

As the representative of the people, tomorrow I plan to approach BlipCentral and plead with them to remove either King Jams' crown, or his head.


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