I came, I saw, I conquered!

I think our monkeys were having a laugh at my expense last night. One would be heard crying, I would go to that child, nothing, back to bed, other child heard, go, nothing. Until I went to Munchie who was properly sobbing away for Wom to also start crying!!!! Both settled quite quickly but not the best way to spend 4am on a Monday morning.

Nursery run completed, home. Tried to persuade Wom to have a sleep but he wasn't having any of it so ended up with him sat on the bed playing with 'woofie' whilst I located the Christmas presents. Found the one I had lost. Annoying. Wom then bounced / snoozed in his bouncy chair whilst I wrapped batch one up.

Wom then had a proper afternoon sleep which was great as meant I managed to finish off all the presents. result . I did get a bit confused between stocking presents / presents from Santa and presents from us, but think I sorted it in the end.

The womster and I then had a lovely time playing. He loves having a muzzie to hold so I rather cruelly put his muzzie on the sofa just out of reach to see what he would do. Welllllllll he pulled himself up using the cushions, spied the muzzie, got hold of it then proceeded to wave it at me in celebration. He was sooooo proud of himself.

Munchie had had a fab day at nursery. Chatted loads on the way home. Her key worker is pregnant which is wonderful but gutting too as Munchie adores her. May is a long way off but I know it will come round quickly.

Baths / showers completed. Daddy got home just as I had settled womster. Tea consumed and so to bed as tomorrow is 'meet the new teacher!' Arghhhhhh

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