Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Stormy Allermuir Hill

Overnight a warm front came in and it was pretty windy and heavy rain is forecast. As I've done about 5,700 miles on the bike this year, I give the Sunday ride a miss. I'm off on Monday, so I can plan in a short ride.

In the morning, I manage the hoovering (they have to earn their pocket money), and tidy up a few things. In the afternoon, my partner and I head up to Straiton Retail park to purchase items required for school outings.

At the bus stop on the way back, I realise the light is fading fast, and I haven't got a photo to blip. Fortunately, this picture of Allermuir Hill comes out much better than I thought it would. On the slopes, you can see the Midlothian Ski Centre, which has the longest dry ski slopes in the UK.

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