at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant


Another day of Ivy having a fever and basically sleeping all day. She's nursing like a newborn and it seems to be cheering her up at least, so I'm glad I didn't assume she was giving it up when she didn't feed for 2 days.

Took her to see a doctor in the afternoon since she's been fevered for 2 days. She perked up when she realised she was somewhere new but when he took her temprature it was still very high. Ivy (who likes to take her own temprature with our digital thermometer) explained to the doctor that your meant to take her temprature from both ears, just to check. He said she was probably just fighting a bug.

I'd put ivy in a carrier on my front to take her to the doctor, since she was asleep when I put her in, but I realised walking home it was too much pressure on my bump and making me feel quite sick. She wasn't dressed to go on my back (still in her pjamas) so we went ot visit Euan in his classroom to wait for him to finish writing reports so he could carry her home. Ivy drew on his whiteboard but was generalyl not veyr happy.

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