
By RadioGirl

Together At Last

Mum and Dad have been on their own together today for the first time in many weeks, after I left them early this morning to return to work.

Dad slept better last night, and Mum now feels a bit more confident about sorting out all his medication than she did yesterday. The GP has called in to see Dad this afternoon, and is organising for his repeat prescriptions to be delivered direct to home. I called Mum later on today, and she said she's been kept pretty busy but sounds a little calmer about caring for Dad. The district nurse and social services will visit them tomorrow, so hopefully everything is being put into place. My sister will also be with our parents during the day, and may even take them out to lunch if Dad feels ready for that - though it may well be too soon just yet.

It was a wrench to say goodbye to Mum and Dad this morning, and rather strange being back at work after such a long time away. I felt quite emotional and weepy on the train in, and also when I first arrived in Broadcasting House and saw my manager, and my friend Cheryl who I did my first booking of the day with. All the stresses and strains of the past couple of months have finally started to come out I think. I will be handing in my three months' notice this week, with my leaving date for early retirement set to be Friday 20th March. I have a feeling those three months will go very quickly indeed, and then life will never be the same again in any shape or form.

My blipfoto for today is of Mum and Dad's official engagement portrait, taken 66 years ago.

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