Inner Sense

By FranklyFrank

The fridge man cometh

This is our old, dead fridge waiting forlornly to be hauled away. (I took this through the glass door but I like the way the reflection makes it look like our kitchen lights are floating in the sky outside). In order to get the new fridge where we want it we are opening up a wall. I was amazed delighted that the contractor called this morning to say he'd be a bit late... and then not only arrived but all the necessary trades arrived in turn. The bulk of the work was done by the end of the day, with some walls to be smoothed and primed tomorrow.

It is good when you find an efficient and communicative contractor.

While they worked, Mrs G and I pottered in the garden. We got a lot of mulch down around the trees and used all our remaining cardboard to start off some more beds.

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