Texann Times

By Texann

Topping it all off nicely

We have an artificial Christmas tree which is ridiculously large. We bought it years ago when we saw it, greatly reduced, in a huge warehouse-sized store – oddly enough, it didn’t look as big in there! In this house, we can really only put it up in the entry way and it blocks off three quarters of the hallway. But we like it!

In previous years, when Leejohnaire was working, he’d usually be travelling a lot, so I’d decorate the tree myself. Last year was not a brilliant year in many ways and although we did put the tree up, we didn’t manage to muster up any enthusiasm to decorate it, so it just sat there. This year, L isn’t working and with his newly refreshed blood, he helped me decorate the tree for the first time (he did do more than just put the topper on!). There's a bright side to everything!

This shot is with thanks to whodatbarb for coincidentally sharing a ‘Night Exposures Guide’ with us on Facebook this evening.

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