Northern Exposure

By Northern

Best weather we've had in days.

Still feeling crap, although better than I was. Chest Infection with asthmatic lungs is never a good combo. Not able to do much other than sleep and cough and watch really cheesy xmas movies on telly. However I was managing to do my xmas shopping from the sofa thanks to the delights of the internet - until the lightning hit !

Days and days of the maddest most constant lightning. Everything fried, no landline, no internet, crap mobile reception and for a big chink of the time no power. Thankfully we have our cosy stove in the living room and a healthy supply of candles and gas for the camping cooker.

In the fug of coughing, drugs and darkness I almost lost track of days and time and who I was. Obviously, as I'm uploading this on the 16th December, we have internet back now and the lungs are working again. This was the only pic I took in amongst the chaos and I can only assume that I took it because suddenly the weather looked a bit more hopeful. Nearly at the shortest day, things are looking up!

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