Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

Adam Oehlenschlager

This danish poet wrote the more popular of the two official national anthems this country uses. This is taken in Søndermaken (wikiwotsit gives the wrong park).

I can't say the english rolls of tongue quite as well as the Danish.

A lovely land is ours
A lovely land is ours
With beeches green about her
Encircled by the sea
Her hills and vales are manifold
Her name, of old, is Denmark
And she is Freya's home
In days of long-ago
This land was home to heroes
From war they rested here
Then forth they went, to smite the foe
Now to their graves they've gone
Among the barrow-stones
This land is yet so fair
Her waters yet so blue
And green are still her leaves
And noble ladies, maidens fair,
And men and able lads
Still dwell on Danish soil
Hail Sovereign, hail Home!
Hail every Dane who labours
To do his very best
Our ancient Denmark shall abide,
While yet the waves reflect
The beeches in their blue

A better translation on this youtube version of the song.

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