
By Skyroad


The wean hasn't many friends, apart from his cousin Ron (not living near any of his schoolmates is perhaps a big part of the reason for this). He hadn't had a playdate with his pal S for ages, so when they took me by surprise after school (Playdate! Playdate!) and it fell on me to take them I agreed readily enough. Lola needed exercise so I suggested the 'Secret' Park and they were both happy with that. It was almost completely deserted as usual. Tossed plenty of balls for Lola who became so muddy I had to shower her. We also devised a kind of game where I threw the ball towards them and Lola ran for it and whoever reached it first, boys or dog, scored. I think the final scaore was Lola 4, boys 3. Now I'm hoping to tidy the sittingroom enough for the promised Christmas tree.

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