Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra

How Old?!

Lyra is 4 months old today. I can't quite think where the time has gone but I'm happy to say I've enjoyed every moment.

I didn't think I'd take to being a mum - I knew I could manage the practical side; managing a company whilst doing a part time phd and sitting on 3 governing bodies meant I was prepared to work hard at it and juggle but I just hadn't realised what would happen inside me once I gave birth. I fell head over heels with my daughter, found I loved my husband more than ever and have totally reprioritised my life.

I thought I'd have gone straight back to work. I had it all planned out. But then I couldn't hand Lyra over, she wouldn't take a bottle and my husband is juggling both our jobs enviably.

And to think, I could have been missing precious moments like this!

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