The smoking man

This is my little smoking man that we bought from the Christmas market in Edinburgh. He's supposed to be a hunter but I've taken his gun away and made him into a bird watcher instead. He is sitting on the mantel piece spreading smells of Christmas.
Does anyone remember the smoking man from the X files series from the 1990's ? We used to enjoy watching it even though most of the stories were far fetched.
Suffering from cabin fever at the moment so luckily we're out tomorrow. Doctors and the hospital but hopefully a ride out as well.
Too icy to fill up the bird feeders today and the pine marten will have to do with an egg and some sunflower seeds on the windowsill.
All change tomorrow so I expect it will take a while to get used to the new look blipfoto. Not sure I can cope with the stress of it just before Christmas though.

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