Local Windmills, suburb of Kralingen, Rotterdam

I think this will be the last windmill shot this year. True, it wasn't very sunny, but the blue holes in the cloud layers gave me enough hope to shoot a decent outdoor picture without getting weighed down by too much grey.

Tomorrow and Thursday, it might be predominantly grey, possibly even wet. It will definitely be cold. Besides, I have the idea that I won't have that much time, good weather notwithstanding. The countdown is nearing its final stages and in about 4 days' time, you'll see where hubby and I will be this year's end.

In the meantime, I'll reply to your comments yesterday and then get on with finishing some more chores. The discussion hubby and I have been having has run its course. We're satisfied with our own conclusions as well as with what we've achieved. That's our hokey pokey and that's what it's all about.

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