.............fancy a biscuit?.......

While we've been away the Daughter has been baking Christmas biscuits........I might get her to make me some for work.

Up early again..........breakfast.....off to see my Uncle Dennis....older than my Dad but in much better nick........a chat.....a promise to visit again next weekend......and then he was off out to see a brass band and have lunch.

A drive to the Boss' Dad and his partner.........they were having lunch....a chat......the fibre optic Christmas tree put up....his address book collected so we can send their Christmas cards.

The long drive home........as we crested the Pennines the rain started............a deluge in places....home...car unpacked........dinner.........a phone call........out for a beer with D and B........sleep?...........maybe, we'll see.

5 more get ups to the Christmas hols.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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