
A quick lap round the block (which in the case of the centre of Edinburgh includes a castle, narrow alleyways, cobbles and old buildings) as I was tied up most of the day.

Nonetheless, quite a productive day.

Except the part where people keep asking me: "Any News Yet?"

Me (select answer depending on general level of grouchyness):

* "No, not yet! I'll let you know when there is anything to tell." (in a cheery voice)
* "Errr - I'm still here" (with a weak smile)
* "Have a guess"
* "Actually I'm not here ad we've had the baby. I'm just a figment of your imagination"
* "Yeah, I just left her to it and came to the office for some peace"

Monochrome did warn me. OK guys, now that I've said that I know what's coming...


> Maison Blue

> Jesus Rocks

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LOTD: Love artover's "Forest of the Stripes" blip - a great composition and the way the shadows and stripes mirror the stripes on the trees is really compelling.

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