Deja View

By dejaview

Health and Safety

One of the great things about my job is that I get the chance to visit a wide variety of schools.

The one I visited this morning is one of the prettiest I have ever been to. How many schools do you know of where the children have to cross a stream to get to school? However, Ofsted are coming and there is a huge fuss about erecting high fences to safeguard the children even though the stream runs dry in the Summer. Of course care must be taken, but there is already a wall and a small fence and the children are never unsupervised in that area. I feel it's a shame but maybe I'm wrong.

While I was taking this photo the baby lambs in the field behind the school were making their presence known with all the bleating! A truly English, rural school.

I was a few days too soon to capture all the daffodils that are planted along the bank .. I think I will have to go back and re-visit it!

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