
By blipblog

New feature: Guests

Hot on the heels of last week's new member feature, we're delighted to introduce Blipfoto 'Guests'.

If you're a Blipfoto member, you can use Guests to invite anyone with email to comment on your journal - just pop their address in the box, push the button, and we'll take care of the rest. (You'll find Guests in the 'My journal' section of the main menu.)

Once they've chosen a name and a password, your guests can sign in and comment freely on your journal (but your journal only). Your guests are also automatically added to your subscribers.

If another member invites an existing Guest, they won't have to sign up again - they'll just be able to comment on the other member's journal too.

As ever, we've tested this feature extensively, but if you do spot anything untoward, drop a comment below.

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