Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Get ready...

Yeah I know this is an awful shot. However it was taken at 11.45 and as I was approaching the traffic lights I practically did an emergency stop so I could Blip it. If there had been a police car around I'd probably have been given the breathaliser. Or a fine for dangerous driving.

Pretty relaxing day. The move at work continues and my desk was all packed away and moved to the new building. My cute zombie cartoon that cheers me up and my The Office calendar better be sitting on the desk in the new office too. They asked for volunteers to come in on Saturday morning to help move stuff too but part of me thought 'you're only here another week, don't humph your ass for them'. That probably sounds really selfish but they've not really gone out of their way to help me. Normally the guilt would get to me but not this time. Maybe I'm growing out of it. :)

We went to see Shutter Island tonight. Was very very good (Acronymphomania placed it in his top five in fact) but also very long. My friend had told me there was a twist and told me about a bit of it quite near the beginning that showed it so I knew quite early on what way it was going. A praised it highly for its genuine portrayal of MH and the stigma it has. He was concerned it was going to have a similar effect that The Crazies did where it was going to appear to alienate people with MH issues. Thankfully he came out lashing it with praise so all is well. :)

Oh and the image itself today doesn't really mean anything. Although it does relate slightly to the fact that I won't be kicking ass for a while since I have my first exercise related injury since 5th year PE. Had a little Wii jog and didn't exactly stretch my muscles. Who'd have thought a ridiculous little jog on the spot could hurt you. Hmmm...

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