Visiting Times
The visiting times at the Pricess Royal Hospital, where my wife is currently residing, are 3-4pm and 7-8pm. Rather Victorian but them's the rules.
Which means that I will have a 70+ mile round journey between visits, leaving barely enough time to get home and very soon set out again.
Now, don't get me wrong. I want to visit and I have a number of very knid friends who have invited me to visit them for coffee and save the journey, for which I am very grateful. But from my blip earlier this week you will see that I spend enough time behind the wheel as it is.
So, what has this, I hear you say, to do with a picture of a broken light fitting? And here's the bit, for those who know me well, which you are going to find hard to believe. Today, between 4 and 7, I am going to visit Ikea! There. I've said it so can't go back on it!
I just thought that I would take the opportunity, while I am already half way there, to visit the site which is a Temple to women and a place of loathing to all men, and replace the light fitting which has been dangling, useless, from the ceiling, for a number of weeks now. Economic use of time and resources eh?
That, coupled with the fact that said fitting is in my office (Son's old room -Itchy Feet) and that he and Shadowlight will be visiting next week and will need to use the room. Hey-ho.
Soon be Monday!
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