There is another
Not 100% happy with the way the head thingy turned out... but Conor had inconveniently taken his head to bed when I was making it so I just had to guess the size (badly). It looked better from the front, but full-frontal children are not allowed in this corner of blip. I know, the ears should be lower and the cotton wool is a bit rubbish. Anyway, he won best costume at the party (or 'only home made costume' as it should probably be dubbed!) so can't be all bad. Sadly the Yoda stick, chosen from a hedgerow many moons ago and carefully dried in a corner of the yard since then... is now lost. Conor is inconsolable.
I am mostly just tired. Conor has another cold, and last night was very feverish, so spent the night in bed with me, with MrB sensibly relocating to the spare room. He, Conor, was watching my iPod touch while I, in theory, snoozed next to him. Of course it was hard to snooze with all the excitement of waiting for the next instalment in what was going on in Wacky Races. At about 7 Conor gave up on the ipod and went to sleep, waking every 20minutes or so to ask, slightly panicked, "are you getting up?" After the first few times I stopped replying "If you want to, yes" and realised he was just asking, and didn't want to get up himself.
This 20 minute sleeping pattern doesn't suit me any more. I had years of that when they were babies and I'm thoroughly done with it now. So I was monumentally grumpy all morning, but a nice afternoon bike ride with Katherine got me out of my mood. Now I have a glass of fizz, a curry to come and an evening alone with the lovely MrB (I have to be nice about him now I've invited him to guest comment...Happily it's not that much of a stretch.)
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