Vic and Darren (+2)

By vicanddarren

Officially unemployed!

Today was the last day I get paid, tomorrow I'm unemployed! Technically my last day was Wednesday and I've had yesterday and today as my last two days of annual leave and I was given a lovely bouquet of flowers as a goodbye gift from my library colleagues.

I start my new job in September and I'm glad of the break. The last six weeks have been crazy. I was moved from my normal work location and sent to Ipswich which has a learner base four times as large as I have at Beccles and has also tripled my daily commute and was completely wearing me out. Fortunately I was being paid travel expenses, which means I should still get close to a full months salary at the end of August despite only working for the first 10 days!

Blipping has suffered over the last month or so. On top of my job issues, Darren is trying to organise a trip to Japan and we're also trying to move house ... normal blipping will be resumed once we're successfully relocated!

Vic .x.

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