I feel infinite.

By racheelz

Extreme Makeover

I originally thought I wouldn't have anything to blip today. However, life has its surprises and at church, Alice (serendipitous) and I volunteered for an activity, which we really shouldn't have. To go along with the theme of "extreme makeover" from our sermons, our pastor decided to give us both, and another one of our friends, makeovers. In 3 minutes, other people used assorted makeup and hair products to make us look "beautiful." The result was long-lasting bright pink lip stick, hair putty glued to our hair, and crazy colored eyeshadow and nail polish. I watched Alice pick her nail polish off during the entire sermon while I played with my putty-ed up hair and sticky fingers.

It took us literally 20 minutes in the bathroom to get all the stuff of our heads. Josh, the other friend, was in the girls' bathroom with us haha. After soaping our lips, dunking our heads into the sink, and using up all the paper towel on the table, we looked slightly normal again.

I finished my website pretty much! HERE IT IS!

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