Photos in A Major

By A


J decided that his Bike needed another look today, only three months since Christmas but still better late than never. Having got it out of the shed (himself), he promptly disappeared upstairs and returned with helmet, knee pads, elbow pads and wrist supports. All critical for cycling round the block (he told us!)

Anyway, after realising that he was far too quick with his stabilisers at their lowest setting, his miserable father made some adjustments....the bike now wobbles! Needless to say, J was not impressed, life has suddenly got harder.

I still remember when BG removed my stabilisers, the difference was that he waited until the road was tarred and feathered, I also didn't have the essential safety gear! So falling off meant a properly grazed knee! Life is different, but the challenges of no stabilisers haven't changed!

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