Meus vita quadrati

By geimryk

What evil lurks in the shadows?

We couldn't find a parking space, so my friend parked her car near a monument of some dude while he ran an errand. I waited outside the car while making a phone call and noticed the funky shadows cast by the car's headlights. The presence of the dumpster gives the whole monument thing a new twist....


Parkeruðum bílnum fyrir framan styttu af einhverjum gaur við Dómkirkjuna rétt á meðan bílstjórinn þurfti að skjótast. Ansi skemmtilegir skuggar sem mynduðust af styttunni í framljósum bílsins, ruslagámurinn gefur þessari mynd skemmtilegan blæ. Allir geta lent í ruslinu!

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