Teasel #2

This is a different teasel than the one I posted for yesterday's blip. Why blip another teasel? Because I'm still playing around with manual mode and manual focus. The one I posted yesterday worked out pretty well, but I had also blipped a second one that I messed up...had my aperture set to F16...not intentionally, just due to inexperience with the manual settings. If you're interested, this is what it looked like. Pretty messy DOF!

This evening my challenge was to get a better blip of the second teasel, and this is it! I hope you agree that I met the challenge. The second one is different/better because I set my aperture to a much lower number (F 5.6) and shot from a lower angle. I was crouched down in such an awkward position that Bob and Gulliver wandered away and waited for me down the trail...quite a distance down the trail. They probably didn't want to be associated with the loony contortionist kneeling in the weeds.

That's all for tonight, Blippers. The weekend has flown by. I hope you had a good one.

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