Dr. J's Day

By JaniceNgan


Went for a lovely run this morning with Willy - then off to the Genius Bar to get my damn Mac Book fixed.

So - turns out that this model that I have (which is from 2006) had bad hard drives so I got mine replaced for free AND upgraded to a 160GB hard drive (because they no longer make the 80GB hard drive that mine had). Not bad - better than having to buy a new computer.

Had a mellow day - couldn't bring myself to study today so gotta hit the books this week.

My attempt at spring cleaning was to somewhat organize our pantry - got some containers to store all the random bags of beans/peas/lentils piling up in there. Baby steps.

Making a chickpea curry out of my newest cookbook, The Gourmet Vegetarian Slow Cooker, but added some veggies to make it more interesting.

Goodbye weekend and good night.

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