
By disdatdudda

i love you but...it's over

My dear crown:
words can never express what words can never express...
it's time to let you go,
and it's so hard to do because
some part of me will love you for the rest of my life,
but the excitement, the sleepless nights, the expectations...
it?s not healthy. not at my age anyway...
so here I am, cutting the cord...
... saying goodbye

now seriously:
blipping has saved my life from oblivion . well let?s not exaggerate but ..
tt has given me a focus (not literally as yet) and kept me busy (as if work wasn't enough!?)
my son's absence has been more tolerable. and i've been able to cope better with my father's death (this journal is dedicated to him).

some consolation quotes...(for me of course!)

"A crown is merely a hat that lets the rain in."
Frederick The Great

(hey! do i sense some bitterness there?)

"Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown."
William Shakespeare

(yeah, I know; sleepless nights...and all that)

"My crown is in my heart, not in my head, Nor decked with diamonds and Indian stones, Nor to be seen; my crown is called contentment; A crown it is, that seldom kings enjoy"
William Shakespeare

(and i get to keep my beautiful paper crown made for the ocassion)

"Popularity is the crown of laurel which the world puts on bad art. Whatever is popular is wrong."
Oscar Wilde

oops! here we go again oscar...you're such a curmudgeon!


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