Doing a little bit in the garden & DS spotted this tiny, tiny Bee in our bucket of rain water that we were using to water some of the really dry pots/plants with.
We got it out & it stayed on my finger for quite some time, whilst drying itself off.
With my free hand I managed to get my camera & take a few shots.
Pleased to say he/she survived & took a little rest on a pansy before flying away.
I am probably completely wrong but it looked like a baby bumble bee.
Didn't think they would be out & about when this tiny, I have only ever seen nice big fluffy Bumble Bees.
If anyone knows, please tell me!!!!
More images here, for a closer look & maybe an answer.
- 8
- 0
- Canon EOS 500D
- 1/100
- f/5.6
- 60mm
- 400
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