After a lovely weekend enjoying balmy weather and good company, it was back to work today. I had a long but good day at the clinic caring for very sick animals. I returned home to find my husband and son wishing me an enthusiastic Happy Birthday. James had the best gift possible for me - an Olympus Stylus TOUGH camera. It can withstand drops of 1.5 m or 5 feet. Hopefully I won't destroy this camera in less than a year, as I have the last two.

After dinner, Bob wanted to play Veterinary Clinic. I set up this queue of my favorite patients (all cats, of course) and then went to work playing with the settings on the camera. It even has an LED to light up dark macro shots! So cool!

I am very excited to have a point and shoot again. My D90's camera bag has served as my purse for almost a year. As much as I love that camera, there are times when lugging a big camera is too much of a burden. This is going to be fun :-)

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