Listening to the Grass Grow...

Have you ever been in a situation where yous ears got blocked to the point of needing syringed? While your ears are blocked, you hear in vowels and walk around with a slight fuzziness partly induced by the effect of it on your ear canal balance system. When you get that instant return to normality that only a medical syringing can provide it's like a moment of clarity. Whilst your ear drums are getting this new unobstructed access to sound waves and aren't just taking it for granted, it feels like you could hear grass growing.

I had a similar experience with my earphones today. My failing Apple earphones have finally lost all their rubberiness and I suspected their audio capability was waning as well.

A wee root around my non-classified object drawer furnished me with and old orphaned set of earphones from a long gone music player.

WOW. Those iPod earphones were absolutely gubbed. I was jiving all the way into work hearing the music like it was my first listen.

It's time to refresh my mobile music collection.

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