Christian Pedersen

By ChrisP

still film

but this time it's instant

It's not a particularly good shot. I look really moody for some reason. I guess I was struggling working out the kinks in this new instant back I've got on my Diana. It doesn't help that any sort of functionality it had fell off as I smashed it around in my satchel.

This is exactly the sort of aesthetic I go for when shooting film through the Diana, but it took a while to get here. I've got a yellow filter behind the lens and a diffuser (made from rolling paper) over the flash. The only problem left is the weird splat I keep getting in the corner, but I'm not too fussed about it at the moment.

Here it is in all its glory

I'm looking forward to my trip to the dark room tomorrow. I was having trouble making prints last week because I had totally spaced on the enlargers aperture. I played around with it on Friday and got that sorted. Maybe I'll make a print of my last blip.

But more than that I'm looking forward to going back to Beijing and then to Tibet!

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