A Spin Of The Wheel

By gofer1971

Wot you lookin at????

Rose was not happy at being told to get ready for bed and refused to pose properly. She decided on a bit of a 'peer over the top of my glasses' look instead!

I was asked what I've been up to for the better part of a year whilst not blipping, so here goes a shortened version....

Been busy at work and got a promotion after 5 months. I'm still doing maintenance in petrol forecourts but now am a supervisor. Still going to the football as much as I can and having the odd game of poker online.... and paying the casino a visit now and again. To be honest, I've just been living quietly, not doing anything special. I did get an X-Box for Christmas though and that has been taking up way too much of my time.

But I've now started to get off my backside a bit more. I've bought a bike rack for the car so the whole family can get out a bit more and excercise, so hopefully a few bike trip blips will follow in the months to come.

Not much more to add really. Yep, I've been a bit of a boring fart!

Have a good night all!

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